When to Consider an Assisted Living Program

by Alexander Griffin
When to Consider an Assisted Living Program

As our loved ones grow older, it can become difficult to watch tasks that were once easy for them to complete, become completely unmanageable for them. Deciding to send them to an assisted living facility can be a hard choice, and it at times may feel as though you can handle taking care of them. However, taking care of another person who can no longer take care of themselves, can take a heavy toll. In this article, we are going to discuss signs that it may be time to consider an assisted living program for your loved ones.

Everyday Tasks Become Unbearable

As people get older, it naturally becomes harder for them to complete tasks that were once easy for them. This can become a hazard to them, as they will no longer be able to pick up things off the floor, which greatly increases their chances of falling and hurting themselves. It also means that they may not have the energy to cook meals for themselves, which makes it difficult for them to have energy. Lastly, it may impact their ability to regularly and consistently take their medications. However,  in home care Pocatello is a great program where a staff member will come to the house of your loved one and help them complete all of these tasks.

There is a Need for More Socialization

When people get older, the opportunity to socialize significantly decreases. This can lead to extreme loneliness. Everyone craves human connection and the opportunity to talk to and relate with others. When living in any sort of assisted living program, whether it be living in a facility, or having in-home care, there are so many more ways to be social. While living in the facility, there are so many opportunities for socialization with the staff or even other residents. In assisted living facilities there are also classes that will allow for the residents to participate in activities as well as having a social experience. When it comes to in-home care, there is the opportunity to build a relationship with the staff member. This will help your loved one with their loneliness.

Does Your Physician Recommend Assisted Living?

Oftentimes, after visiting your doctor they will sometimes recommend that your loved one should be in some sort of assisted living facility. It is so important to make sure to listen to your physician, even though the idea might make you uncomfortable. Physicians know how difficult it is to take care of a loved one while still trying to take care of yourself. After a while, it may start to take a toll on your physical and mental health. They know this and can recognize when this choice should be made. 


Although it is so difficult when it comes to deciding whether to have your loved one in an assisted living program. There are some great benefits that will not only help your loved one but could also help you with your physical and mental health.  When deciding if you should put a loved one in an assisted living program, it is important to remember these signs to see if it would benefit you and your loved ones.

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