Roberta Custer Biography, Age, Birth Date, Net worth

by Alexander Griffin
Roberta Custer

There are many people who born and die without leaving a mark on the mind and heart of people. But there are only few who leave a lasting impression on the minds of people with their talent. One such person is Roberta Custer. Most people don’t know this name, but those who know this name are very big fan. She was famous for her great acting and writing skills. Today, we are going to share a brief biography of Roberta Custer with you.

Born on January 31, 1944 in California, United States, Roberta Custer was a famous American actress and writer, known for her work on Bleacher Bums (1979), Homicide (1991), and Stony Island (1978). Ms. Custer, died at the age of 71 on June 8, 2015 in California, USA. She have written TV Movie playBleacher Bums- 2001 and 

TV Movie Bleacher Bums-1979. 

Roberta Custer birth date, nationality, home town and more…

Stage Name -Roberta Custer

Real Name -Roberta Custer

Profession(s) – Actress,

Birthday – January 31, 1944

Death-June 8, 2015 in California, USA (age 71)

Gender – Female

Birthplace – California, United States

Hometown – California, California, United States

Nationality – American

Food Habit – Non-Vegetarian

That’s all about Roberta Custer. If you want to listen to her singing, then visit a YouTube video in which she is singing a song and playing piano. You can listen to the song at She’s done a great job in the video. You will enjoy it. 

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