When you enter a rehabilitation center, you’ll wonder how long you have to stay or what your future will look like. There are also a wide variety of factors that will come into play here as well. The length of your time will depend entirely on your level of addiction and the mental state you find yourself in. Another factor is the risk level of your relapsing. Keep reading below to learn about additional factors that will come into play when you are recovering in drug rehab.
The Level Of Addiction
The level of addiction you have will factor into the length of the stay. One reason is that the longer you’ve been addicted to drugs, the more your mind has suffered. For example, someone who has been addicted to drugs for years could have a weakened body, depression, and other issues that could vastly affect how long they would need to stay because they would need detoxification and inpatient programs.
Your Health Plays A Part In A Drug Rehab
Another factor that will determine how long you need to stay in drug rehab is your health. As we mentioned above, a weakened body can affect how your treatment goes and how you can handle the program. For example, if you’ve had physical issues, your brain might not be able to rehabilitate smoothly as it should. You can find that it takes months longer than someone who has been healthy and hasn’t had physical issues to worry about. A serious problem that will affect the situation is if you have a condition that arises during your rehabilitation.
A Drug Rehab Will Consider Your Clinical Progress
The doctors and other professionals will ensure that you make the correct progress and adjust to the program. The notes they take will show if you’re responding favorably to the treatment. If your body isn’t handling it well and your mind is following that pattern, you will need to stay longer, and they will let your insurance company know that they don’t think you’re ready to live yet. When this occurs, you’ll find that your stay is extended indefinitely. However, insurance usually pays a part in this as well.
Insurance May Be A Factor
Insurance shouldn’t be an issue, but it can be. Health insurance typically pays for this treatment, but it may not pay for it. As such, you might find that you may need to cut your stay short if the insurance cuts off. However, as the center realizes you need to stay, they will do everything in their power to ensure you don’t have to leave.
Plan To Stay As Long As You Need
One thing that you should remember is that you should never think that you don’t need to stay long. You’ll need to be aware that if you’re not in the best health or mind frame, you’ll have to stay longer. This is to help ensure that you’ll be alright and that you can avoid relapses in the future.