The off-grid lifestyle has become increasingly attractive to a lot of people. With the ever increasing utility bills, the urge to be self-sufficient has never been stronger, and many people are choosing to go off the grid.
To live off-grid involves living disconnected from the larger societal infrastructure but it does not necessarily mean living without running water or electricity as many people falsely think of it.
If you are considering taking up this lifestyle, here are five essential tips for living off-grid:
1. Choose Your Location Wisely
To an extent, you can go off-grid nearly anywhere, including suburban houses, provided you can get your water and power. That said, certain locations are particularly more suitable than others.
Therefore, when picking a location off-grid, there are some factors that you should take into consideration:
- What is the climate of the area?
- What is the consistency of the weather?
- Are there any natural resources nearby?
- Are there wild animals and if so, are they hostile?
- Is the soil good enough for you to grow food there?
- How close is the nearest water source?
2. Harvest Rainwater
Harvesting rainwater is a lot more efficient than doing several rounds with a bucket to a river, lake, or stream. With a great rainwater harvesting system, you can easily collect lots of water with what may appear as an average downpour.
Putting a collecting system may seem like a big job, but it is an investment that will serve you for years. You can alternatively build a well, which may be more expensive. Regardless, having your water source saves you loads in the long run.
3. Have Multiple Sources of Power
When you are used to some conveniences in urban living, you do not have to let them all go once you go off-grid. You’ll find that most of your gadgets can still be powered with a solar charging system.
You can create more than just one power source, depending on your environment. You could have a solar charging system and a gasoline generator for backup.
4. Grow and Maintain a Garden
Increase your self-sufficiency when you’re off the grid by planting a vegetable garden. You can also consider having fruit trees supplement the garden if the location you chose allows it.
Keeping livestock wouldn’t be a bad idea either. Chickens are relatively easy to start with and will give you eggs. Rabbits yield meat, breed quickly, and are also very easy to raise. You can also compose plant and animal waste to serve as fertilizer and add some nutrients to the soil.
5. Leverage Satellite Communications
When you are fully off-grid, it can be a pretty isolated zone. Buying a satellite phone lets you stay in touch with the world. Remember, living off the grid is not necessarily the same as leaving civilization; your ability to stay in touch can save your life.
The Bottom Line
Much as living off-grid may feel like hard work when starting, the self-sufficiency developed eventually is very rewarding and will give you a real feeling of achievement. That said, the five tips listed above should be enough to give you the necessary know-how to begin your new life off-grid.