5 Tips for Choosing Suitable Lawn Mowing Equipment

by Alexander Griffin
5 Tips for Choosing Suitable Lawn Mowing Equipment

Did you know new homeowners make tons of lawn maintenance mistakes? Avoid common issues and get the proper tools. If you want some tips on choosing the right lawn mowing equipment, we can help.

In this guide, we’ll go over what kind of lawnmower you should choose for your lawn. You’ll also learn about how to keep your lawn in excellent shape.

Want to learn more about lawn care? Keep reading.

1. What’s Your Yard Size?

A push mower is a top choice if your yard is less than an acre. You can get an electric mower or a gas-powered mower.

Yet, if your lawn’s more significant than an acre, you should get a more robust mower.

Look at getting either a zero-turn mower or a ride-on for a large yard. The powerful machine will cover a ton of ground. You will have a faster time mowing your lawn.

2. What About Grass Clippings?

How you end up disposing of the cut grass will also narrow down your options.

You could get a side discharge mower where the grass clippings get thrown onto the yard. Other mowers will have bags that let you collect and dispose of the clippings.

Mulching mowers will cut grass into small pieces. Then the grass will get returned to the yard as mulch. Other mowers will combine these elements.

If you noticed pests during your mowing session, call in a local pest control company or check out Holmesutah.com.

3. What About Corded Electric Mowers?

One of the advantages of a corded electric lawn mower is you won’t need to pause and change the battery or fill the tank. The machine will remain running as long as it’s plugged into some outlet.

Do you have a lot of bushes or trees on the property? Pick an extension cord that will meet the specifications of the lawnmower. You might end up backtracking a ton to avoid the extension cord tangling.

4. What About A Cordless Electric Mower?

The main difference with a battery-operated mower is the battery kind. Also, it will have a varying amount of voltage. A high voltage will ensure a long mowing session on a single charge.

Do you have a large yard? You might need to stop and recharge the battery before finishing the job or buy an extra battery. Battery run times tend to last for either an hour or half an hour.

5. Consider A Self-Propelled Lawn Mower

You can get battery-powered self-propelled mowers. This is more typical with a gas-powered lawnmower.

A self-propelled mower will remain on the front-wheel drive or rear-wheel drive. The mowers will work on even terrain and are easier to turn around obstacles.

Choosing The Right Lawn Mowing Equipment

We hope this guide on lawn mowing equipment was helpful. Consider your yard size and what kind of mower you’ll need for the job. Look at getting a mower that will last.

Do you need other tips on home maintenance? Keep learning by checking out our homeowner resources on the blog today.

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